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Topic Forum Replies Last post
SSL handshake failed OFTP2 2 By timo.bruentjen 4 Tage 4 Stunden ago
How setup communication strategy to partner? OFTP2 0 By dudajan 1 Woche ago
General Error: Database Alias does not exist AS2 0 By kpl 1 Monat 3 Wochen ago
Problem using HTTPS AS2 1 By gonzal 2 Monate 1 Woche ago
Regulation BK6-22-282 of the Fed-eral Network Agency in Germany (BNetzA) and the related BDEW documents AS4 1 By giorgio.sciolla 2 Monate 3 Wochen ago
Getting encryption error while transfering data to mendelson test server AS2 0 By utpal.m 3 Monate ago
How can I increase heapsize for OFTP2.exe on Windows OFTP2 0 By DieSpezialisten 4 Monate ago
[31]File Signature not Valid OFTP2 0 By michael.allerstorfer 4 Monate 2 Wochen ago
Custom Email Body OFTP2 0 By kranti.batchala 4 Monate 2 Wochen ago
Verification of digital signature of inbound AS2 message failed Verification failed AS2 1 By maxim.shymchenko337 4 Monate 3 Wochen ago
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Post related to the community version of mendelson AS2. For commercial requests please contact the mendelson support (
142 359
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Post related to the community version of mendelson OFTP2. For commercial requests please contact the mendelson support (
50 102
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Post related to the community version of mendelson AS4. For commercial requests please contact the mendelson support (
17 56